Louis-Equipment Company, Inc.
2401 E. Anaheim Street, Wilmington, California 90744
PO Box 32126 Long Beach, CA 90832
Phone: (562) 435-4809
aerial photo
Marine sport and industrial equipment for domestic and international customers. Supplying light industry, film property rental and location arrangement, and lots of incredibly interesting Navy and industrial surplus stuff.
View our picture gallery and take a look at what kinds of things we stock.
Louis Equipment has participated in theatre production from its base in Southern California for over forty years. Our primary participation has been in sale and rental of decor and properties from our chandlery and surplus inventory. We've alo provided location procurement and management services here in Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbor, and on remote locations in Mexico, the Caribbean, and Hawaii.
The following chronology lists productions and companies with whom we've worked for just a few of those years, 1994 to the present.